export chitin and chitosan from Asia


Extraction and Characterization of Water Soluble Chitosan : Marine Biology, Faculty of Marine Science,Tamil Nadu
Strawberry: postharvest treatment with chitosan to control the storage decay : Effectiveness of postharvest treatment with chitosan
Eco friendly packaging using chitosan: 100% Biodegradable bacteriostatic packaging
Effect of chitosan on renal function in patients with chronic renal failure : publication pubmed
Salivary Phosphate-Binding Chewing Gum Reduces Hyperphosphatemia in Dialysis Patients : study from american society of nephrology
Conversion particle size : conversion Mesh Micron
Chitosan-based systems for the delivery of vaccine antigens : Belgium study  and from california college of pharmacy
Chitosan Stimulates Defense Reactions in Grapevine : Reims University
Mn Mv Mw : 3 different ways to compute Mw : Mississipi university
Removal of heavy metals from wastewater using Chitosan : University of Moratuwa
Antimicrobial coating on textiles using chitosan nanoparticles : University of Bolton, United Kingdom